Published Work
Mit Teigtaschen in die Moderne
Culinary travel feature on Tbilisi, Georgia’s bustling capital.
Land und Lust
Restaurant profile of “NUEMA” in Quito by head chef Alejandro Chamorro and Pía Salazar, “World’s Best Pastry Chef 2023”.
Hinter jedem Strauch ein Geheimnis für Genießer
Culinary travel feature on Albania’s farm-to-table movement.
Zwischen Garküchen und Sterneküche: Ein kulinarischer Trip durch Bangkok
Bangkok’s bustling food scene with acclaimed restaurants such as “Potong”, “Le Du”, “Gaggan” and “Sühring”.
Die Welt vom Fluss aus sehen
Slow travel at its best: A three-week canoe trip on the Danube.
Rettung für den “Roten Heinz”
A day in the “Acker Pella” community garden in Hanover, which is saving old varieties of tomatoes from disappearing.
Berlin, du schmeckst so wunderbar
Culinary feature about the Berlin food scene with pioneers such as “Nobelhart & Schmutzig”, “Kin Dee” and more.
Das Glück des großen Nichts
Travel feature about the Yukon, one of Canada’s most remote regions.
Lifting the Black Clouds in Lusatia
Feature on the renaturation of open-cast mining in Lusatia.
Der Letzte seiner Art
A day with shepherd Nikos Kellas in the mountains of Aspropotamos in Greece.
Zurück zu den Wurzeln
Visit to “Ferma Albanik” in Albania, a women-run agriturismo in the hinterland.
Zettels Traum
A visit to the home and studio of Jessie James, paper designer of “Supply Paper Co.” in Sydney.
California Cooking
Culinary travel feature about the beginnings of the farm-to-table movement in California.
Auf den Spuren der sizilianischen Küche
A week at the renowned cooking school “Anna Tasca Lanza” in Sicily.
Ein Teller Glück
Visit to “Ambelonas” in Corfu where chef Vasiliki Karounou keeps the traditional Corfu cuisine alive.
Die Zeit ist reif
Behind the scenes of celebrated Berlin restaurant “Ernst” by head chef Dylan Watson-Brawn + farm visit.
The Sisters Reviving Lost Local Recipes
Visit to the restaurant and garden of “Ca Na Toneta” in Mallorca.
Schlaraffenland, Abteilung Istrien
Culinary travel feature with the best producers of the Croatian peninsula.
Istanbul Through the Eyes of A Chef
Feature on Istanbul’s food scene with chef Maksut Aşkar from “Neolokal”.
Auf den Spuren des schmelzenden Eises
Feature on the Aletsch Glacier, the largest glacier in the Alps.
Im Einklang mit der Natur
A day on the farm of the founder of “Regenerative Farming Greece” in the Peloponnese.
Wie das Boragó in Chile zu einem der nachhaltigsten Restaurants der Welt wurde
Restaurant profile of “Boragó” in Chile, with chef Rodolfo Guzmán and a foraging trip to the coast.
Meet the Female Chefs Blazing a New Trail in Armenian Cuisine
Culinary travel feature about the women who are revolutionizing Armenian cuisine.
Koch-Visionärin, Feministin, Erzählerin
Profile of Chef Pam of “Potong” in Bangkok, “Asia’s Best Female Chef 2024”.
Flower farmer Masami Charlotte Lavault for KENZO Parfums
Portraits of Masami Charlotte Lavault, founder of the first organic flower farm in Paris.
Besseres Essen für alle
Portrait of the Berlin initiative “Kantine Zukunft” for healthier food in communal catering.
Wie will eine brasilianische Köchin die Welt verändern?
Profile of chef and activist Manu Buffara from restaurant “Manu” in Brazil.
Zum Sattsehen
Profile of PARS chocolates in Berlin, using only local and ethical ingredients.
Golden Harvest
Visit to the family-run olive oil company “Oli Solivellas” on Mallorca.
So schmeckt der Sommer an der Algarve
Restaurant profile of “Ocean” by head chef Hans Neuner in Portugal.
Die Zukunft schmeckt nach Zero Waste
Profile of “FREA”, Germany’s first zero-waste restaurant.
Zusammen backt man weniger allein
Profile of Germany’s first cooperative bakery “LindenBACKT”.
Zilbers Reich
Visit to the “Noma Fermentation Lab” of fermentation pioneer David Zilber in Copenhagen.
Fruit of the Loom
Profile of “Tessanda”, Switzerland’s last weaving mill run by women.
Cooking the Mountain with Chef Norbert Niederkofler
Visit of “St. Hubertus” in Alta Badia with an interview with chef Norbert Niederkofler.
A delicious dinner in Berlin – from food that would have been thrown away
Profile of the zero-waste restaurant “Restlos glücklich” in Berlin.
Die Gastronomie der Zukunft – das “Otto” in Berlin
Restaurant profile of “Otto” in Berlin by head chef Vadim Otto Ursus.
Gold aus der Glut
Portrait of the sustainably run fish smokehouse “Glut & Späne” in the Black Forest.
Wo isst man in der georgischen Haupstadt besonders gut?
Report on Tbilisi’s best restaurants.
Wo Esel die Straße kreuzen und Gänse den Weg leiten
Report about agrotourism in the Albanian hinterland.
Why Georgia’s “Little Tuscany” Should Be on Every Wine Lover’s Bucket List
A guide to Georgia’s most famous wine region.
Insider-Tipps Ljubljana: Starköchin Ana Roš teilt ihre 7 (und mehr) Lieblingsorte
Report on the best places in the Slovenian capital.
Restaurants in Berlin: Die VOGUE-Auswahl der 19 besten Adressen in der Hauptstadt
Report on the most exciting restaurants in Berlin at the moment.
Wie kocht man lecker und zugleich klimafreundlich?
Article about climate-friendly cooking + interviews with chefs, farmers and scientists
So können wir alle nachhaltiger einkaufen und kochen
Report on the impact of our food on the climate crisis.
The best Jewish restaurants in Berlin
Report on the city’s first food week celebrating Jewish cuisine.
“Ich wollte starke Frauen”
Report on a new dinner series in Berlin featuring top international chefs.
Was gutes Essen mit gesundem Boden zu tun hat
Report on regenerative agriculture including a presentation of the association of Berlin’s top restaurants and farms “Die Gemeinschaft” in Berlin.
Was man in der Küche von den Etruskern lernen kann
Culinary travel report about the history of Tuscan cuisine.
In Schale geschmissen
Report on the concept of “leaf to root” featuring chefs like Tainá Guedes and Paul Ivic.
Where to Enjoy the German Tradition of “Kaffee und Kuchen” in Berlin
Feature on the best cafés for the cozy ritual.
“Ein guter Plan ist alternativlos.”
Interview with Milena Glimbovski, social entrepreneur, speaker and author of “Über Leben in der Klimakrise”.
“Ich begrüße jeden, der vegan wird.”
Interview with David Peacock of “Erdhof Seewalde” about the farm of the future.
Douglas McMaster
Interview with chef Douglas McMaster of “Silo”, pioneer of the zero-waste movement in gastronomy.
“Wir versuchen, Fehler zu machen, um daraus zu lernen.”
A day on Germany’s first regenerative farm “Gut & Bösel”.
Stedsans Rooftop Farm Restaurant
Visit to Scandinavia’s first rooftop farm and restaurant in Copenhagen.
Wie Sie beim Essen ein bisschen die Welt retten können
Climate-friendly cooking with British chef and author Anna Jones.
“Die meisten Zutaten sind noch nie zuvor gegessen worden”
Visit to “Noma” in Copenhagen and interview with “Head of Culinary Research” Mette Søberg.
Urban Oasis – Parks & Projects for a Greener Future
Author and photographer, published internationally by teNeues.
Sentido Hotels “The Book”
Contributing writer and photographer.